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"When you change the way you give birth, the way you birth changes"

– Marie Mongan –  HypnoBirthing Institute Founder

"If a woman doesn't look like a goddess during labour then someone isn't treating her right"

– Ina May Gaskin –  Midwife, Author

"No other natural bodily function is painful and childbirth should not be an exception"

– Grantle Dick –  Read M.D.


Who can benefit from the HB classes?



Any person preparing to become a parent and wishing to give birth naturally.


Both mothers and fathers


First time mothers or experienced mothers.


Any person who accepts birthing as a normal physiological process that every woman has within her the power to call upon her the maternal instinct to birth her babies in joy and comfort


Especially any person that is worried or scared about the birthing process and wants to better understand and educate themselves.

Friday Class

Saturday Class

Tuesday Class

Private Class

It is scientifically proven that HypnoBirthing

What are the benefits?


Shortens the labor period


Decreases the rate of medical interventions


Decreases the rate of drugs usage


Decreases the C-section rate


Decreases the post natal depression, mothers feel more satisfied and empowered


Decreases the rate of traumatic birth for babies


Decreases the rate of colic, reflux and sleep issues, babies are more relaxed and happy


More powerful pre birth bonding, fathers are more confident and involved.


What They Say

„We were second time parents, hoping for a different experience from our first labor and delivery. I’m so glad we took these classes. We learned so much and gained so much confidence. We had our baby girl in less than 2.5 hours of labor. A med-free water birth we so desperately wanted was achieved! Thanks so much for all your knowledge and support”

– Holli P.S. –

„HypnoBirthing class and Adri have saved my baby and me. I had to give birth in the most distressing situation, but thankfully, the breathing technique that I learned helped me get back to birthing my baby. Adri’s class really prepares you for all possible situations that can happen to you. Adri puts her heart and soul into helping every couple. Adri is so compassionate, wonderful and accommodating. Please spread your teachings as wide as you can to help more mothers”

– Ann T. –


Would you welcome a calm & confident birth? I can help make it happen.